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Reading Time: < 1 minuteNASA has selected 128 proposals from American small businesses to advance research and technology in Phase II of its 2017 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. These selections support NASA's future space exploration missions, while also benefiting the U.S. economy.
Reading Time: < 1 minuteOn February 22nd, REI Systems' Jeff Myers and Jenata Spencer co-published an article in Government Executive with Shelly Slebrch, Executive Director of the National Grants Management Association (NGMA) titled, "How Agencies Can Improve Grant Management."
Reading Time: < 1 minuteREI Systems' authors Pawin Chawanasunthornpot, Solution Architect, and Subhash Kari, Vice President, were recently published in Nextgov for their article, "A Unified Reporting Portal Would Help Government and Grant Recipients."Â
Reading Time: 2 minutesREI Systems is published in Federal Times for commentary on when government should migrate to the cloud, and what to migrate.
Reading Time: < 1 minuteREI Systems' Michael Iams and Denny Chiramel were recently published in Federal Computer Week (FCW) magazine to share their expert commentary on Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment (CI/CD). Their article, titled, "How automated tools can unlock IT challenges," discusses how CI/CD tools and automation can solve traditional problems with the time and cost of software development. Below is an excerpt from the article:
Reading Time: 2 minutesSterling, Va. – REI Systems announced today that it has been contracted by the State of Utah to implement GovGrants® – REI's cloud-based grants management solution built on the Salesforce platform – for 3 state agencies: the Utah State Board of Education, Office of Victims of Crime, and Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice. The State plans to bring other agencies onto the system as success is demonstrated.