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Reading Time: < 1 minuteSeptember 29, 2020- Asymmetry Venture's General Partner- Rob Ness- What Federal Agencies Seeking Innovation Could Learn from Private Venture Capitalists

Reading Time: 2 minutesThe General Services Administration (GSA) awarded REI Systems of Sterling, VA, the Professional Services Schedule (PSS). PSS is a government-wide schedule providing agencies a fast and effective contract vehicle to procure simple or complex fixed-price or labor-hour professional services.

Reading Time: < 1 minuteA day never goes by in our lives without performing a Google search. Did you ever wonder about an analytics tool providing the same search capability, as in, it would visualize data as you type into the search bar?

Reading Time: < 1 minuteIt is not an exaggeration to say, ‘Data is the currency of the present era’. Also, it is not uncommon that most organizations struggle to realize the full potential of this modern-day asset.

Pay Attention to the Why, Not the How
The sun rises. The sunsets. Agencies evolve. ...

Reading Time: 2 minutesREI Systems Celebrates 31 Years in Business with a 31-Day Gratitude Celebration. What are you grateful for? How can we celebrate our company’s key milestones together while teleworking? These are the questions REI Systems’ employees are exploring together, as we embark on a 31-day Gratitude Celebration to commemorate our 31st anniversary!