
Explore Our Case Studies

Consolidating 10 Different Systems to Provide a Seamless Experience

Consolidating 10 Different Systems to Provide a Seamless Experience

Reading Time: 4 minutesGSA sought to decommission several systems, and integrate others into a coherent whole, a new “Integrated Award Environment” (IAE), with (the System for Award Management) as its portal. Leveraging REI Systems’ App Modernization expertise, GSA has been able to launch IAE, and concurrently completely decommission several major applications.
Using RPA to Help Effectively Decommission a Critically Important Legacy System

Using RPA to Help Effectively Decommission a Critically Important Legacy System

Reading Time: 2 minutesGSA IAE was facing a significant challenge retiring the legacy Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) reports module. The GSA IAE program determined that modernization was essential to improving the UI/UX of users and decreasing program costs. The program faced a myriad of challenges with modernizing its website. REI developed a Reports Migration Automation Framework (RMAF) to solve the modernization and migration challenges faced by GSA IAE.
Increasing the Speed and Services for Victims of Human Trafficking

Increasing the Speed and Services for Victims of Human Trafficking

Reading Time: 4 minutesREI helped OTIP-ACF agency developed an innovative solution that would provide long-term benefits with a new Case Management System (CMS). OTIP-ACF's mission is to provide leadership, partnership, and support services to victims. In 2018, the agency received three times as many requests than any previous years. This surge in demand, combined with a cumbersome process model across several federal agencies, led ACF to the decision to modernize its IT—specifically the case management system it uses to manage information and services for victims of trafficking.
Improving Management of D.C. Department of Health Public Funds with GovGrants

Improving Management of D.C. Department of Health Public Funds with GovGrants

Reading Time: 2 minutesThe DC DoH is responsible for compliance with all federal and DC government laws, regulations, and mandates for receiving funds, spending them appropriately, and adhering to standards for delivering services. The agency found that managing of public funds using a web of homegrown systems, myriad spreadsheets, and countless folders was incredibly challenging. To help the DC DoH operate more efficiently, REI was tasked with developing an enterprise-level system used by multiple components, which led to greater economies of scale, enhanced coordination, increased standardization, and the ability to holistically manage risk across grant programs.